
We’re hiring an Executive Director for the Kansas City Design Center (KCDC)

The Kansas City Design Center is an interdisciplinary, teaching, research, and outreach center focused on the Kansas City Metropolitan Region. KCDC strives to advance the application of design by addressing the most important issues affecting our urban environments.

The KCDC is entering the next phase of its strategic growth and development. In order to facilitate this forward momentum, KCDC has redefined the role of the Executive Director and is seeking qualified candidates to fill this critical leadership position. The current Executive Director, Vladimir Krstic, will transition to Director of Academic Programs to focus on academic program leadership of KCDC.

The Executive Director is a contract position and a key management leader of KCDC, a non-profit organization, and is responsible for overseeing the administration, programs, and strategic plans of the organization. Other key duties include fundraising, marketing and community outreach. Please see the full job description here.

To refer any candidate or to ask any questions about the position, please contact the search firm: Jane Walton Consulting, LLC, Jane Walton President, jane@janewaltonconsulting.com, 816.898.6929