Design Update
/We have been continuing our work on designing the final master plan for the Bethany Park site. Our focus has been on incorporating individual housing units and typologies into the site, with the aim of creating an affordable community that embraces the culture within our master plan - this includes integrating walkable features and enhancing amenities within the park space.
On Monday, we had the opportunity to present our master plan to Jeremy Knoll from BNIM and Maria Isabela Pineda, an architect at Cota Arquitectura in Maracaibo, Venezuela, who is currently a fellow in the YLAI program through Global Ties KC. During the presentation, we discussed steps to further develop our master plan and create spaces within the housing units and typologies to foster a walkable community. As a team, we explored various design and organizational strategies for placing our housing units and typologies within nodes to provide the community with convenient access to shared amenity spaces. Their input was greatly appreciated and has been instrumental in guiding our team towards valuable advancements in our updated master plan.
We are excited about the significant benefits this master plan can bring to KCK. Please stay tuned for future updates on its progress!