Public Meetings and Critical Feedback

The studio has been busy furthering design development within all three of the design schemes. In order to do so, we completed two professional reviews and two community meetings, the most recent happening last week. We received great feedback from both groups.

Our public meeting last week was kindly hosted by the NEKC Chamber of Commerce. [Note: if you weren’t able to attend, you can view the presentation on youtube here, and leave feedback here] Our studio prepared a presentation that not only explained our research and analysis and overall master plan, but also did a deeper dive into all three design schemes. After the presentation, community members were able to walk around and learn more about each scheme and provide specific feedback on those designs. Each of the three groups used models, drawings, and precedent studies to help explain their design process and engage with the community members. While each group received varying feedback based on their designs, it was informative to help us move forward with our designs. Some of the main comments/concerns referenced safety and security in the park, lighting, considerations of phasing, and further programmatic consideration.

With all the feedback we have received from not only community members but also from area design professionals, we have been working to incorporate everyones concerns and suggestions. Through the use of analytical and study models, strategic processes and other techniques we hope to push the project even further to meet the needs of the community. Today, we meet with our Advisory team make up of our project stakeholders to make sure the project is on track and meeting its goals. We are also looking forward to presenting the project at the next Pendleton Heights neighborhood associations meeting on March 8th.