Week 4: Studio Update

Hi all, it's been a bit of a busy week, but we are back and continuing our efforts to grasp the potential of cardboard. Last Friday, we hosted the KU Urban Design capstone studio for a Happy Hour. We used this event to do a strength test of our Vignette #4, which was a strength test of a bridge made fully from corrugated cardboard with no glue. The strength test helped explore different structurable strategies; some were able to hold more than just the bricks, while some failed sooner. 

Happy hour // Bridge strength test

This week’s seminar was held at PH Coffee, where we listened to three speakers explain the evolution of the Crossroads. We learned many things, such as the establishment, its downfall, its rise to glory, and what it is today. We discovered how it wasn’t just the efforts of the community but also the vision of people who saw its potential. They didn’t just see a rundown city street; they saw communities of people from all sorts of backgrounds and the art they brought to the city

Regarding the advancement of our project, on Wednesday, we discussed with our advisors/partners and community stakeholders, who provided great feedback and insight into what the community truly needs to prosper. This helped deepen our understanding of what the bridge means for the community. After reviewing the feedback from stakeholders and community members, we can continue developing our vision for what the bridge represents for both sides of KCK and KCMO, as well as for those who travel here. This isn’t just about the residents; it’s about the potential for others who come and visit our great city. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make progress.