How can a forgotten park be transformed into a city defining urban element?

2013-2014 | Washington Square Park vision study

Washington Square Park is an approximately five acre plot of land situated on the southern topographical edge of the Kansas City downtown area, surrounded by unique civic attractions and shaped by historic transformations of the urban fabric. The Kansas City Design Center 2013-2014 Studio, under the direction of KCMO Parks & Recreation and Coen + Partners, was asked to further study the possibilities of Washington Square Park, within the framework of the Greater Downtown Area Plan and the KCDC Comprehensive Vision Study for Green + Civic Space (2012). A yearlong study of the park ranging from site analysis to design proposals investigated how the park can be redefined to better its surroundings and the city. The intent of this project, in addition to building on existing planning initiatives, was to capitalize on the park’s potential as a defining urban element in the overall order of the city and a catalytic civic space that is currently missing.

For more information on this project, please see our publications listed below.

Digital Publication

Redefining: Washington Square Park Vision Study
Final Project Publication
(also available for purchase in print)
Part 1 Part 2 

Final Design Proposals
Final Project Proposal Publications
21st Century Update | Urban Edges | Reconnecting Canvas

Preliminary Process Publications
Historical Analysis | Programming Studio Analysis pt. 1 | Studio Analysis pt. 2


Print Publication
