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Hyung Jin Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning, Kansas State University School Of Architecture, Planning, & Design

Dr. Hyung Jin Kim is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning at Kansas State University. Prior to academia, Kim has professional experience in urban design and research at the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS) in South Korea. His research interests have been centered on healthy communities, smart and connected networks in urban space, and rural-urban food environments, which are at the conjunction between social and behavioral science, and urban design practice. Kim’s research has been supported by the USDA NCRCRD and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and he has published in scholarly journals, nationally and internationally, in the fields of urban design and public health. Kim holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science from Texas A&M University. Kim earned his B.E (Urban Engineering) from Hongik University and his M.L.A (Landscape Architecture) from Seoul National University. Kim is a member of American Planning Association, Urban Design Institute of Korea and Korea Planners Association He has also served on a NSF review panel.